Series Registration
The seminar series is designed for B.Sc., B.Tech., M.Sc., M.Tech., PhD scholars or interested faculties.
Only registered participants will get the meeting link through their email.
E-certificate will be provided for participation.
Participants will be asked to give their feedback to release the certificate.
Any update in the schedule or speaker will be posted on our website.
Our chat option is available for questions, comments and suggestions.
Speakers will share their research experience and career journey to motivate budding bioinformaticians.
To present in our series, email
His research
Peptide Informatics
Structural Biology
His career Journey
Founder of journal and bioinformatics society
It is joyful to realize the personal experience with the multifaceted features of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioinformation in a
comprehensive manner over a period of three decades. This educational path is truly exciting, engaging and enterprising.
P. Kangueane, PhD
Founding Editor & Chief, Bioinformation, India
Professor of Bioinformatics & Biotechnology
Know our Guest Speaker (May 2022) :
Bharat Panwar, Ph.D.
July 2019: Someone asked me why I’m working on lupus considered a graveyard of failure. I replied, “that’s exactly the reason”. April 2021: We published the cover story of @genomeresearch based on our research.